Sunday, November 22, 2020

By a Nose

Inspirational song: Cocaine (Eric Clapton)

I never, ever want to put anything up my nose. Not drugs, not crayons, and not medical swabs. But guess what. That last one became necessary. It has been five days since my encounter with someone who tested positive, so if there is a viral load up in there, it should be of sufficient quantity to be detected by now. At least, that is the working theory. I feel fine, or at least I feel Anne-normal. The usual stuff hurts, and after a sleepless night, I needed a super long nap this afternoon. So nothing suspicious. I really don't think I have the Rona. But the only way to be sure was to let someone push a thin strip up my nose. Yay.

I registered late last night, while watching Fixer Upper in bed. I had to really force myself to do it. I then lay awake for a couple of hours, because you can't not watch the reveals of those shows. I barely slept. I set an alarm for this morning, but Saoirse was ready to go outside before it went off, as I expected. I wandered around like a zombie until it was time to go line up at the fairgrounds to get the test. We made coffee and drove over, with Mr S-P there as navigator and moral support. I tensed up hard when it was time for the swab. Thankfully, it was way softer than I expected. I'm the kid who could never handle throat swabs for strep, and had to repeat them because I flinched and gagged too much. So the fact that I was able to tolerate this test was a miracle of maturity. The flyer they gave me at the site entrance said it would take about four days to get my results. I'm going to assume they won't upload on Thanksgiving day, so figure it will be available on Friday. I'll let y'all know. (Pretty sure it's negative.)

While I was cuddling with my giant lap-blanket of a dog, I looked over at a big furry throw pillow I got from Costco last winter. I distinctly remember texting my daughter for her opinion on which pattern to choose, even though I had already set the light gray and white speckled one in the cart. Did I have an inkling then that I would soon have a light gray and white speckled fur baby? Probably not, but it does seem cute that I was attracted to that pattern from jump.

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