Friday, January 22, 2021


Inspirational song: Love's Great Adventure (Ultravox)

This Enormous Puppy rode in a truck for the very first time today. All three dogs were in the back, for a drive up to Fraser to exchange 4runner parts with the guy we bought some from last summer. Taking everyone with us meant we didn't have to have anyone come let them outside midway through the day, and it gave Saoirse a chance to have a whole host of new experiences. She did well overall, but there were a few things she didn't like.

The Mr left side windows on the truck topper open, so all the dogs could have sniffies as we drove to the mountains. It was loud, and the higher up we went, it was increasingly chilly. Generally it was a beautiful day, but at interstate speeds, it got a little brisk. We had barely reached the far edge of town before Saoirse was howling and baying at us, sounding like a hunting hound. She was just certain there had been a clerical error, and she ended up in the truck bed by mistake. She tried to crawl through the windows we had open to the cab. (I think that twisting around and wrestling her paws back into the back was the moment I pulled something in my back, that subsequently wrecked my evening once we got home.) I tried to video her pitiful wailing, but every time I pushed the record button, she stopped and just stared at me.

We pulled over at Berthoud Pass to give the pups a chance to stretch their legs and pee at high altitude. I was snowblind and couldn't actually see my phone screen, so I had to hope I captured her first exposure to deep snow. A few minutes later, we were at the dude's house to pick apart another Toyota carcass, and drop off the pieces we didn't need from the last trip. All the dogs got out again and ran through his yard, entertaining his new puppy. The baby was what he called a "Colorado Mountain dog," which seems to be a blend of Great Pyrenees, Bernese Mountain dog, and another that I've already forgotten (it's late and I took a pill for the aforementioned strained back). The puppy was named Winter, and he looked a lot like Saoirse's brothers did when they were three months old. 

Some of the pictures from the trip are on the camera that my daughter gave me for Christmas. I haven't yet set out my routine for transferring from one device to another appropriate for blogging. When I do, I may bring those pictures out, with a brief explanation 

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