Saturday, January 2, 2021


Inspirational song: You're Welcome (Moana)

House-hunting season appears to have begun already. After a month with absolutely no traffic, we have our second showing on the condo in four days. This is good, because we are starting to get a little twitchy about how slow it has been. We knew we were coming on the market at a bad time, but we had no option to go sooner. The right buyer is out there. We just have to hope we can make it to finding them while we aren't getting the rental income on the property.

The last people tracked slush all through the place, the Mr learned when he went there yesterday to make sure he didn't need to shovel snow. When I checked my email and saw the showing confirmation, he convinced me to hop in the car and go mop and wipe down surfaces. I'm glad we did. The gray boot tracks throughout would have not given a good impression.

I've done a lot of driving, and a lot of walking and talking (with the girls) today. My brain feels as thick and inert as peanut butter. I'd love to come up with an exciting anecdote, but it just isn't there for me. Let me go to sleep dreaming of finally selling this condo, and maybe tomorrow my dream will come true.

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