Thursday, January 7, 2021


Inspirational song: 13 Days (John Wesley)

Yeah. Still mad. My anger has sat around and grown cold and bitter, like coffee left in a pot overnight. It was easier to process it into words yesterday. Today I have had more time to read and see pictures (most of my info yesterday had come from listening to a broadcast on SXM) and that just confused things. The flood of information has put me on a horrible roller coaster. I feel both an overwhelming sense of urgency, and one of impotence, aware of my lack of authority as some random person in Colorado, hundreds of miles from the seat of power.

Two weeks is an eternity. I might have said otherwise until I consider how much things change here in that short of time. My puppy grows visibly every day. In thirteen days, she might be tall enough to snack from the kitchen counters without taking her paws off the floor. We went a couple weeks not being able to see our granddaughter, while we were all quarantining in November, and she developed so many new skills it was like meeting a whole new baby when we got back together in December. 

Anything can happen in the next thirteen days. Anything. That ought to be a hopeful statement. It's anything but. Let's just get it over with. What's next?

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