Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Speedy Delivery

Inspirational song: Overkill (Men At Work)

There is basically nothing I can write about that will demand as much attention as the news these days. There is a familiar curse, "May you live in interesting times." Man. I miss the days when the most exciting thing in my life was waiting for a rose to bloom, because I had forgotten what variety I had planted months earlier. (Yes, season one of this blog documented that from the Original Smith Park. It was so peaceful then.) News is moving quickly at the seat of power in this country. It has evolved significantly over the course of the day. As I write before bedtime, I can barely imagine what will develop by the time I am up with my first cup of coffee, when most of my readers have their earliest chance to see this blog. None of us have much influence over it. We are just along for the ride. We will learn together what's being done in our names.

I was chastised by my mailman this evening. The Mr had moved the cars off the driveway so that the sun might melt the ice off of it. There were four cars along the sidewalk, with my little one right at the base of the drive. The mailman grumbled about having to park all the way in front of the neighbor's house and carry the comedically large box our daughter chose to mail bulky Christmas gifts. I let the scolding roll off of my back, and cheerfully reminded him how icy and slick it was the day before. I said we were just trying to keep him safe. I think he got my point.

I drove around delivering the presents to the rest of the family. I got surprise bonus baby cuddles for my effort. What a welcome break from the anxiety-producing news that was. (First picture was sent by her mother earlier in the day. Second one matches my energy level by the time I got there.)

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