Saturday, January 22, 2022

Brunch With Baby

Inspirational song: Friend Like Me (Aladdin)

We couldn't go another minute. It had been too long since we had quality grandparent time. I couldn't stop myself from volunteering to take the baby for a few hours if I tried. I didn't try. I picked her up just before noon, and we came here for brunch. We ate eggs, played games, and sort of watched the live-action remake of Aladdin. That is, I watched about half of it, and she acted like a goofball between me and the screen. I was hoping she would get quiet and take a nap while the movie was on. Instead, she kept standing on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed, stiffening up, and tipping forward to flop face-first on the mattress, giggling the whole time. She thought it was the absolute best game. Eventually I admitted defeat. No nap. So we went and got a bath. That kid was stinky. We fixed that.

I got the notification that my glasses were in at Costco. We needed to get a few things while we were heading that way, so while I sat for an hour waiting for my turn at the optical center (I drew ticket 88, and they were on 83 when I got there--ugh), grandpa and Grumpus did the shopping. They came back to check on me twice before I finally got to pick up my glasses. Good thing they had each other to stay entertained. If either of them had been sitting alone with me the whole time, they would have exploded with boredom.

I'll get selfies of the glasses tomorrow, once I do my makeup and find good lighting. 

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