Tuesday, January 4, 2022

She's Out There

Inspirational song: Ravenous Disease (Impending Doom)

Whoa, now. That nasty Rona is starting to tighten her circle. She's creeping closer to folks I know. Friends are getting tested, some are getting answers in the affirmative. I may be reverting to being much more skittish about being out and about. Honestly, I'm overdue for a course correction to the straight and narrow. I still mask when I'm out, but I do eat in public spaces, which is impossible to do with a mask on. Time to slow that the heck down. Just as well. I still have a freezer and pantry full from the early panic of 2020. I need to stay home and use that up anyway. I'd feel much better about all this if the Mr had just prioritized getting his booster.

I don't think I've had an actual exposure to a positive person, but with how ubiquitous omicron is, how would you really know? I try not to cuddle up next to people these days. It's just too easy to get dangerously close.

Staying home more would be better all around. I didn't magically get snow tires since I complained about it 24 hours ago. I did a little reckless spending around the holidays, so living well within my means would be a virtue. And until both humans who live in this house are boosted (as opposed to just me), I would prefer to stay well away from potentially infected folks. There are plenty of streaming options on TV to keep us occupied until things settle down a bit. Or a lot.

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