Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Not As Advertised

Inspirational song: Mulder and Scully (Catatonia)

Yesterday's efforts at auto maintenance had unintended consequences. It made me so tired, I toddled off to bed without taking my nighttime meds. Those are the ones with the treatment that keeps fibromyalgia vaguely under control. I figured out I missed them late this afternoon, and now I'm feeling ragged. I even had to cut short an evening visit with the cutest kid in Colorado (tm), when suddenly every place in me that blood touches started hurting all at once. And what did I say about how I'd be disappointed if my friend who I always drive to Rotary didn't notice how nice the car looked? I didn't end up taking my own car, so all that hard work will have to wait until I can show it off. 

I woke to the sound of snow shoveling. I knew the weather was going to change, but honestly, I assumed we would barely get a trace, as usual. It snowed way harder than I expected. I used Mr S-P's car, with snow tires. By the time we left the meeting, it had warmed up enough the roads were completely clear and the tires didn't matter so much. 

Even though the snow was slushy, the kids took Val on her first sledding run. I'm guessing she didn't take to it like a natural. When we got a burst of photos, the caption read, "an attempt was made." There's more snow coming in a couple days. She can try again, maybe this time with warmer mittens.

The other day I included a picture with me wearing one set of the new glasses. I wore the others today, so I'm following up with a photo, as promised. 

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