Thursday, January 6, 2022


Inspirational song: We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)

The kids got me. I had moved on from the movie we watched yesterday. Didn't remember much about the songs, other than the lingering knowledge that I liked them in the moment. Then the younger daughter sends a meme of a girl trying to sleep and her brain wakes her with the earworm of We Don't Talk About Bruno. It used a lyric I didn't recognize at first, and dummy me, I asked what the reference was. It set off both daughters talking about the movie and what they thought and what they'd seen in internet rabbit holes on the topic. Now I'm stuck. I had to go pull up videos from the movie, and that same song is stuck in my head, and I will not be able to sleep without hearing it over and over. I have become the meme.

Traditionally, we have kept our holiday decorations up and lit through Twelfth Night, which is now. I meant to unplug the outside lights this evening, but I never went out into the garage to do it. Murray is in there and asleep, so I shall not be disturbing him to do it. One more night won't hurt anything. I did undecorate and disassemble the tree, but I ran out of steam before boxing up all the ornaments. Harvey thought the tree on the floor was pretty special. Before bed, I will at least get that bagged up, to keep it safe from him. 

I'm enjoying the unobstructed view to the picture window for tonight. I would leave it that way, but I am aware the swivel rocker will probably end up back in that spot. I was all prepared to donate it, but I have been overruled by the gaming group who appreciated having enough seating for us to have everyone here. Not sure whether that will really be an issue for the next month, while it is less and less safe for us to gather for games. Maybe I'll be able to donate it after all, if we can't get together much this winter.

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