Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Inspirational song: You Can Do Magic (America)

Have people around you been suggesting that you should watch the new animated movie Encanto? Chances are they are correct. Especially if you are the type of person who occasionally reads this blog. Multiple people around me raved about it and insisted I watch. So tonight, when we had dinner with the neighbors, as we do so often, we watched the movie on Disney+. Sure to its name, it was enchanting. The music is by Lin-Manuel Miranda, so naturally our Hamilton-loving ears enjoyed that. The colors were rich and saturated, the animation flowing and eye-catching. The story is uplifting. I recommend it.

Right on time, our next snowstorm arrived this afternoon. A bit more came down than earlier predictions, but that's fine with me. We needed the moisture and the cold. It does mean, however, that our monthly meeting was officially switched to remote. It's safer that way on multiple levels. I'm disappointed not to get to see my fellow agents in person, but not surprised. Much of the country is going remote again this month.

I had steeled myself to march through ankle-deep snow over to T&A's house for dinner. I put socks on, and my warmest slippers (the ones with rugged soles, at that). I expected to arrive with cold, damp feet. Instead, I got the red carpet treatment. Mr S-P said to hold up, and then he went in front of me, carving a path with the snow shovel. What a picture we must have made--him in his bathrobe and pajamas, shoveling snow (we always dress up for dinner next door, don't you know), and me walking slowly behind, clutching a bottle of wine that we never ended up opening. He was still talking when I left, so I crunched across the inch or so of new-fallen snow on the way home. After watching that movie, I paid attention to how the sight of my house warmed me, even as I walked through an active snowstorm. It might not look like much to other people, but my house is magical to me.

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