Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Grow Up

Inspirational song: Bye Bye Bye (NSYNC)

Over the weekend, I came to a decision. I'm going to challenge myself to go on a short-term "no buy." I'm not planning on going nuts with this, but I figure I ought to be able to make it six months without buying new clothes or plants, or coffees or soda from drive-thrus. I think those things make up the bulk of my stupid spending, so I'd like to see how much money I could save by knocking it off for a few months. I'll probably channel all savings into paying down the credit card I used to start my business, so it will be an all-around win if I succeed at this. 

It might be hard at first, now that we have finally arrived at the fancy coffee season. I'll miss caramel brulée or peppermint mochas. I have powdered chai mix at home. I'll pretend that's a good substitute. I've done a reasonably good overhaul on my wardrobe lately, making it more closely align with my current preferences, and donating things that don't work anymore. I can groove on that for a while, and evaluate where I'm at come spring. And as for plants, well, I've known for a while I need to cut it out. I'm struggling to find places to put new ones, and with cold weather approaching, where the heck are all the succulents and whatnot from the porch going to go? Six months of no new plants isn't just a good idea, it's an urgent need.

I said all this out loud at Rotary, when I was helping set up before the meeting. One of my friends chuckled and said, "oh, so you're finally becoming a grown-up?" I know he did not mean that in a cruel way, and I laughed. But it's true though. I've been a bit too self-indulgent, especially with plants. Time to put my grown-up skills to the test.

(Mom promises me that this selfie I sent her is good, so I'm going to prove my maturity here too, and post it without editing it.)

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