Friday, September 22, 2023

Pour Moi

Inspirational song: Me of Me (Shock Treatment)

I saw an opportunity for a Me day. I took it. We don't have babysitting tomorrow, so the Mr is up at his cabin for a couple nights. Our housemate works weekend days. I had the place all to myself. I started by putting on a ratty t-shirt and dyeing my roots. After I washed out the dye in the shower, I put the same shirt back on, and took a giant risk. I cut my own hair. I wanted the same shape, just an inch and a half shorter all over. I figured I could do this. I took my time, used lots of clips to make small sections, and used the tips of the scissors just like I've watched the pros do. I think it came out well, all things considered. That was a lot of standing, though. I didn't feel like doing much for several hours.

The autumnal equinox is upon us. I thought what better way to celebrate the arrival of the best season all by myself than to create a fancy charcuterie board. I had to pick up a couple things, like salami, chocolate, and a bottle of wine. The other stuff I had. I even had home grown tomatoes and refrigerator pickles from our own cucumbers. It felt wildly indulgent, but this was a good day for that.

And yes, you'll notice in the pictures that my charcuterie board has a gridiron on it. Would I have any other kind?

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