Friday, August 9, 2024

A Couple More

Inspirational song: Joy to the World (Hoyt Axton)

When the surgery center called at 8:30 this morning, saying hey, we're ahead of schedule, wanna come in at 9:45, I thought it meant I would be in and out faster. Au contraire! I arrived when they asked. And I sat in the waiting room while people arrived after me and went back sooner. 35-40 minutes into this, I went to the reception desk and asked, did they change their mind about me? They were just wondering why I hadn't been pulled back. They gave me some idea what happened, but it was an unsatisfying answer. I didn't go back until 10:45, 15 minutes before my original show time. 

The pre-op process was easy. The nurse numbed my forearm before digging for a vein to put the IV in, and it was a life-changing experience. I was looking away, answering questions while she did it, and I didn't even know until I looked back and she was starting the taping process. Holy cow. I will ask for this forever and ever and ever.

I sat in that room for an hour and a half, waiting to be wheeled back. It was even less fun than it sounded. I sent a grumpy-face picture to the family chat of me being very, very bored. I also took one of the ugly curtain that looks like it dates to the 1970s, even though this building was at most eight years old. It was a full hour after that that I went back to the operating theater. At least in there I had people to talk to (about how much we love big dogs), until the anesthesiologist decided she was ready to shut me up, pretty much right away. It's always such a pleasant, restorative sleep, and I hate walking up after. Not because I react poorly, I just enjoy that solid sleep.

There were two new polyps, same place as before, in the right side almost to the appendix. Exactly as we expected to find. Waiting on pathology, which seemed to take forever to show up in my portal last time around. They weren't particularly big, both under a cm, looks like. Will see what the report says.

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