Thursday, August 22, 2024

Joy Overload

Inspirational song: Freedom (Beyonce)

The last four days have been a gluttonous feast of information and entertainment for me. I am overloaded on joy and enthusiasm. What I am not is clear-headed. Composing sentences might be a bit much for me right now. I'll see what I can spin out.

I stole a few photos from the kids' trip. They have been going everywhere. Most recently we got videos from the aquarium and auntie's community band rehearsal. I didn't download all that many pictures, like the ones of the kids absolutely crashing hard after walking for miles and seeing the beach and museums, or of Valerie pretending to nurse her Goofy doll while mommy was actually feeding Avery. I loved the look on Dmitri's face at the band practice, so for sure I kept some of those. Fingers crossed we get at least one musician out of that trio. 

The Mr had to fix whatever triggered the check engine light on his car. He thought he had it right, had a shop clear the code, and then he took a long drive to make sure it was okay. (Pretty sure it was just a thinly veiled excuse to go fishing, but I'm not mad.) On the way home I got an "oh, dammit," text accompanied by a picture. Apparently he didn't stop fully when he took the picture of the check engine light back on. I wasn't sure whether the car was still acting up or he wandered into a disco.

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