Saturday, August 17, 2024

Downhill Maybe

Inspirational song: That's All (Genesis)

Did it really have to get hot again? Last week made us think we were finally past the gross stuff. But I kept watching the forecast for today, knowing we had an outdoor social planned, and the number for the high temperature kept ticking up, up, up. By this morning, they brought it back down one degree, to 98 rather than 99, as if that could make me any more comfortable. The only saving grace for me was that the location for the social had giant trees, providing ample shade.

I had originally RSVPed for 2, expecting to bring Mr S-P along. Then he made plans to attack a long-delayed yard project, and I stopped any and all suggestions that he come with me instead. He asked our son-in-law to help out, and together they put down the pavers in front of the equipment shed, and laid out the basic pattern for completion of the flagstone patio. As hot as it was, I am thrilled to see the progress they made. I'm certainly not mad that they didn't fully install the flagstones. Just seeing movement on it made me happy, after years of "not during build season," and "I hope to get to that in the spring." 

I am hoping that this was our last day to reach 98 this year. By now, our average highs shouldn't even reach 90, but it is supposed to do that several more times in the upcoming week. By the beginning of September, we shouldn't see many days over the mid 80s. If the high temperatures just go downhill from here, until next year, I will be a happier woman. But seriously, I tried to dress up for the social, and before I even got out the door, I looked like my face was melting. You know, sometimes it snows in September. Doesn't that sound nice right about now?

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