Sunday, August 4, 2024

Keeping Track

Inspirational song: Bears (Lyle Lovett)

I lived up to my promise. I stayed in all day, with the house sealed up tight against the heat. I went nowhere, and I did next to nothing. The house maintained its cool all day, thanks to the one who never shuts the door behind him not being here, going in and out of the house all afternoon. I haven't even turned on the attic fan yet, just opened some windows around the time it got dark. It's quite pleasant, and I'm not mad about that.

This has felt like a placeholder day. I have had to stop and really think to remember what day it is, what month it is. For that matter, I took a hard nap this afternoon, and when I woke I could barely remember what year and century it is. I didn't make a big to-do list for July like I had for the months prior, nor have I started one for August. It might be good to at least create a little framework so I can keep track of days. Otherwise, I'll just turn around and it will be Thanksgiving, and I'll have no idea how I got there.

I think the only pictures I took were screenshots, which I don't like to post here, and a silly filter snap for the kids. I requested a couple random baby pictures, and this is what I got. A certain tiny man is really growing into his face, and the big kids are looking windblown from being in a park all day.

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