Friday, August 23, 2024

Headache Triggers

Inspirational song: Torn (Natalie Imbruglia)

I took too many steps forward. I had to take a couple back. I tried to feel like a worthwhile citizen of the planet today. I went out twice with a purpose. But by mid-afternoon, a headache and upset stomach changed my plans. It's probably from a combination of factors. There are wildfires in Wyoming so strong the last two days we could smell smoke. I thought someone was using a fire pit in our neighborhood. Smoke has always been a headache trigger for me. I also have been dangerously close to foods that like to pick fights with me. In that respect, this is partially my fault. Well, in two respects, because I've just flat out done too much lately. 

So here I sit, feeling blah, waiting to see whether my daughter wants to initiate a bedtime video call while she babysits her sister's children. I have nothing else I really want to discuss. I mean, look in my eyes. This is not the face of a woman who feels chatty.

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