Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Inspirational song: Taxman (The Beatles)

We kept wondering why everyone else got their state tax refunds, but ours kept saying "in progress." Turns out there was one document missing, and one box checked wrong. It was easier to make an appointment and go up to Fort Collins to talk to a person to fix it, as opposed to waiting on the phone for hours and then trying to create new forms to submit. Once we made it up there today, it was barely 30 minutes and a jovial conversation before it was completely worked out. Whew. I need my TABOR refund to go towards my Discover card. I have a failed business venture to pay off (eventually).

My back strain from yesterday wasn't significantly better today. I was still moving quite gingerly. I still needed to reload the stuff on top of and in the liquor cabinet, so that I could have some living room space back. I discovered a few empty bottles that had been saved for unknown reasons, and recycled them. If there had been an art or entertainment project planned, it was unlikely ever to occur. Toss it all. 

This was game night, and I created a new rule for it. Before the beers come out, everyone has to pour themselves at least an ounce of something from the liquor cabinet. People who don't drink are exempt. We just have so much accumulated booze that we will never drink otherwise. I want to reduce what we have to store, and just pouring it down the drain feels like a waste of money. I figure if we make an effort to consume it between now and the end of the year, we can thin down the supply by maybe half. I also want to work through some of the stored wine, so we can get rid of the wine fridge in our utility room. I don't know how to accomplish that with this group, though. Maybe we need to add more friends to the mix.

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