Saturday, August 3, 2024

Cave Dweller

Inspirational song: In the Dark (Billy Squier)

Nope. Not playing with this crap. I don't want to be outside at all, not even as long as it takes to walk to the car and drive to see the babies. It's too hot, and worse, it's too sunny. I continue to believe it is the combination of medications I take now, that is responsible for my dramatic decrease in sun exposure tolerance. I had to step onto the back porch three times today, and I hated every second of it. It is supposed to be just as bad or worse tomorrow, and remain hot through Wednesday. Yuck. After that will be cooler weather and probable rain, but what a slog it will be to get there. I'm staying inside, in the dark, next to multiple fans. Forget this.

The guys went up to the cabin overnight. The Mr wanted to finish the picnic table he started building last weekend. As soon as he carried his giant green backpack out the door, Beinn started dancing and whining. When he fired up the loud engine on the 4runner, Beinn jumped on the couch and it took everything in his training not to lose his little mind. He's only been up to the cabin a few times, four or five at the most, but he knows that mountain is for him. I had worried that his long history as a runaway was going to make the mountain a dicey venture. He is so happy to be in this family, and to be trusted with camping, he is on his best behavior.

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