Saturday, August 24, 2024

Old Stomping Grounds

Inspirational song: Rock 'n' Roll High School (The Ramones)

On this, the penultimate day of sightseeing in California, my daughter took her family to see the desert where we lived for a few years. Well, as close as she could get, as our house was on a gated army post way out in the desert, past "absolutely nothing for the next 22 miles." They saw Barstow, the high school the girls attended for three years, and the area around Calico, considered a ghost town. 

In Barstow they wandered around the Harvey House, which is now a museum dedicated to the history of rail travel, and how it was the lifeblood of the area. They took a train tour of the gold mines at Calico, and they really thrilled the kids with the simplest thing you can imagine. The kids love the group Gorillaz, a rock band whose members are always shown animated in almost a graffiti type style. The first song of theirs we ever heard, Stylo, used footage of a car driving on the roads outside Calico. They played the song and drove the road, and on the video they sent us, you can hear Valerie put it all together in her head.

I can't wait for my kids to get home, and rest up enough to come tell me everything they saw. These are major core memories, and they will cherish them forever.

Now, I need to wrap up, as I think I heard the Mr and Beinn arriving home after a day in the mountains.

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