Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rolled a One

Inspirational song: Can't Find My Way Home (Blind Faith)

We made it past the heat! The high pressure dome or ridge or whatever they called it broke down, and now wonderful cool air has moved in! By five o'clock this evening, I had thrown open all the windows, and we were watching a heavy downpour outside. It feels glorious in here. Tomorrow's high isn't supposed to be out of the 60s, and the same may apply on Friday. As our darling weatherman (Crispy Donkey for those who know) said, we are going from the surface of the sun to pumpkin spice latte weather in about 18 hours. Too bad I can't actually have a PSL until Friday afternoon.

I waited until after D&D to have my dinner, a sad little sandwich that didn't even have lettuce (which is why it was so particularly sad in my opinion). It's the last solid food I get for a while. I hope I remember not to make coffee in the morning, because I will not under any circumstances drink it without cream. I think my increase in anxiety over the last few days has nothing to do with the procedure coming up and everything to do with my reluctance to take the medication. I know the pills are going to be better than that nasty liquid I was dumb enough to attempt ten years ago. Still, I don't want to take them. Also not looking forward to getting up at 4 am to take the second dose on the day of the procedure.

The game tonight was wild. It was the conclusion of the big boss fight, which I believe took three sessions. (I don't think it was just two.) It took a lot of work for us to win, and four different characters went "down" (knocked down to zero hit points and having three chances to avoid character death). Once we finally beat the Big Bad, my character Darius took the time to be sure he was really, sincerely dead (he came back once). Then I turned to heal a comrade who was on his last death save. In Mr S-P's games, all magic spells have to roll a d-20 to see whether the spell succeeds or fails. As long as you don't roll a one, the spell gets off and you go as written with it. I rolled a one. He had me roll percentile dice (1-100) and another 20. He consulted the wild magic tables, and announced that all Darius knows is everything went black. Other players can see that his eyes have gone completely white. Oh, joy. Well, I have two weeks to figure out how to role play this to the greatest comedic effect. If he wants to play this way, then watch out. I'm all in.

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