Monday, August 26, 2024

Weary Travelers

Inspirational song: Dear Theodosia (Hamilton)

Our intrepid voyagers have returned, bearing at minimum the usual travel colds, one each. They covid tested Dmitri, as "patient zero," and he was negative. Still pretty snotty, though. The one who seems to be suffering most is Val. She has a tummyache on top of everything else. I hope it's just the result of unfamiliar places and foods, and once she gets some sleep in her own bed, she will perk up. Think positive thoughts for her.

I'm trying something new. I normally try to avoid all pain meds that aren't part of my daily routine. When things get completely out of hand, I will resort to a baclofen or tramadol if I really, really have to. But for the most part I just lean into the lupus pain and let my brain do the heavy lifting. Today I decided on an experiment. What if I try to knock the edge off the pain gently, before it gets out of hand? Would I be more productive that way? First thing this morning, I took a couple regular Tylenol (Costco version). I did I again mid-afternoon. Was today wildly active? No. But neither was it a total waste. I took care of several things that needed doing, and rested in between bursts of energy. I closed out the day mildly tired, and no more sore than most gentle days. I might be on to something here. One day does not a pattern make, so this deserves more study.

I was too busy for much in the way of pictures. I stole one of my weary warrior on her way between airport and long-term parking. Rest and recover, my dear.

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