Monday, August 12, 2024

Decent Results

Inspirational song: Somebody Turned on the Light (Hoyt Axton)

Allow me to step up on a soap box for a moment. My test results are in my portal, but as of this afternoon my doctor had not yet given me his spin on them, specifically how soon he wants to see me again. They called the two polyps removed "sessile serrated adenoma/polyp(s)." They were between 5 and 10 mm. That's about what I expected, and the quick check of Google tells me they are precancerous. This makes the fourth time in 12 years that precancerous polyps have been removed from some part of my intestines. You know what I still don't have? Colon cancer. This is because when I am told to get checked, I suck it up like a grownup, and go in for the scope. For all my readers in the age range of 40-75, don't fear the scope. It's a little inconvenient to prep, but there are ways to make that seem less difficult. Once they wheel you back and set you in position, you sleep soundly. When you wake up, nothing hurts. If the doc wants to look, let them. Trust me.

I suggested a couple of days ago that I wouldn't be able to ignore the thin blue line around the top of my living room, where I started cutting in with the brighter paint color. I was correct. I set about emptying the liquor cabinet onto the carpet, so I could move it, and I pulled all the accumulated crap from the shoe rack and corner behind the door. (As dog is my witness, I swear I will not allow all that junk back.) I put a second coat of the cut-in line at the top, and a first line at the bottom. To be able to fill in the walls, I needed more paint, and a fresh paint roller cover and tray liner. To Lowe's I went!

I knew that if I had to go to Lowe's, I could not consider myself a decent grandmother if I did not bring Dmitri. He loves the display of giant Halloween animatrons, so he absolutely needed to go with me. And since I was bringing our goblin boy, I invited his goblin grandpa too. Both boys had a great time looping all around the store, and parking their butts in patio chairs to watch the giant scarecrow threaten them. I couldn't capture it on video, but Dmitri did a really good job of saying the word scarecrow. When we left, we went through the McDonald's drive-thru for fries and a chocolate shake, and our young man thought both were most excellent.

One note on photos, our housemate is very much interested in climate and space. They came out and told us excitedly that there were solar storms to look at, and they set up their special binoculars to show us. They managed to get a really nice photo of the sun for me to include here.

My first coat of blue should be dry by now. I want to finish the wall behind the liquor cabinet, so I can regain my living room floor. I can say with all certainty that much as our national zeitgeist is proving, I was ready for a lot more lightness in my life. First my bedroom, now my public spaces. My house better reflects what I want for my current personality. Light, welcoming, and soothing. 

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