Saturday, August 10, 2024

Blue Line

Inspirational song: Midnight Special (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

After nine years in this house, with the same unusual gray-blue living room, I finally moved one more small step forward to brightening things up in here. That step was super tiny, but it was at a least a little motivating. I started cutting in the lighter blue paint along the ceiling, from the dining room to the front door, where I could reach. To go any further will involve moving furniture and taking lots of things off the wall. For example, I'll have to take down the rod holding up seven plant hangers in the front window. I'm just not there yet. 

To get this far, I needed someone to chatter at. The kids, all five of them, came to keep me company, and help me focus on my task at hand. (I've discussed body-doubling before, and how just having another person present helps you not just sit back down and stare at a screen.) The three adults who live here were all away for the day, so I needed the conversation. The older children did a lot of running and shrieking, until Val convinced us to turn on Harry Potter again (got her!) Dmitri watched a bit of it, but by the time Hagrid showed up to take Harry to Hogwarts, he was sacked out. It was his naptime after all. Avery snoozed with him for part of it. 

In the grand scheme, I got very little painted. But what I did manage to do was break it into my line of sight. I'm not going to be able to sit here without seeing those lines around the top of the room. It will drive me crazy, and hopefully push me to make more progress, to make the uneven colors stop haunting me.

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