Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mr and Mrs Fix-It

Inspirational song: Perceptions of Johnny Punter (Fish)

I am facing a dilemma. I own a food processor that I rarely use. At some point in Valerie's toddlerhood, she loved punching the buttons on it, and she might have been responsible for breaking the piece off of the canister that presses the switch allowing it to turn on. I wouldn't normally worry about it. I'd just pitch the thing that isn't easily fixed, and never think of it again.

But then tonight I forgot it was broken, and got all excited about harvesting a ton of fresh basil from the garden up front, to make a pesto. I had plopped all of the ingredients in the processor, completely cooked some chicken, and had a pot of water ready for brown rice pasta. I tried to turn the food processor on, and nothing happened. I knew that Mr S-P had done something a few months ago to make it work, but I didn't know what. In between me texting him to hurry home to help, I started poking around and found the switch that wasn't getting depressed. We have no idea what happened to the little piece that he had found and reattached last time. It was just gone. 

He asked, exasperated, what I thought he could use to fix it. I said, I don't know... a stick? He went outside, picked a small stick off of the nectarine tree, and fiddled with it over and over until it stayed in place. He managed to do it. It pureed the pesto perfectly. And what did we discover, besides that we could get at least one more use out of the processor with literally a stick from the yard? We learned that pesto is easy as heck to make and holy cow was it good. 

My dilemma: do I replace the processor, knowing I've only used this one a dozen times in ten years? Now that I reminded myself how much I like pesto, will I use it more?

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