Sunday, August 18, 2024

I'll Be Blue

Inspirational song: Blue Monday (New Order)

How do grandparents who live at a distance from their grandkids do it? How do they handle being far away? My kids are gearing up for a vacation, with their parents obviously, and I miss them already. They haven't even left yet! They're heading west, to meet up with old high school friends and to see my older daughter, and I am super jealous and also super nervous. Traveling with two adults and three very young children sounds like enough stress to give me hives. I know I've become much less of a skillful traveler as I get older and my movement and strength diminishes. I'm sure they will be fine. Doesn't stop me from getting stressed out as I'm the only one responsible for coordinating everything. I am responsible for exactly none of it. Somebody calm me down.

I got the paint completed in my dining room today. I had to move furniture, and to move my china hutch, I had to half-empty it. I was super careful, carrying dense, heavy stacks of Camilla Blue Spode and hoping I could find places where the cats would leave it alone. Once I had the chairs moved and that cool painting (of the apples and butterfly) secured elsewhere, I found I had very little enthusiasm for painting. It was hard to keep at it. I persevered and completed it, then changed the position of the hutch so we would have more space for games. I've slowly come to the realization that I'm eventually going to need a third gallon of this paint. I'll deal with that later, after I've painted the wall behind the piano.

I dropped off the backup toothbrushes I'd had since the kids were here while Avery was being born, as an excuse to get one last cuddle. The older two are very excited about the plane ride. Val told me she won't live in Colorado anymore, she will live in California. Well, yes and no, honey. But it isn't worth trying to explain right now. I told Dmitri I expected him to learn at least two new words before he gets back. And Avery will probably be smiling when next I see him. A week will be a huge change.

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