Monday, August 19, 2024


Inspirational song: One More Time (Hamilton)

Y'all know who I am. You know who I root for. I won't try to be coy. You know I'm glued to the C-SPAN YouTube feed, all evening tonight, and for the next three days. I'm wearing blue head to toe, including the deep, deep blue on my fingernails. I'm geeking out on Robert's Rules of Order. I'm hopeless. But I'm also inspired and wistful and all sorts of stuff. I expect this to be a pretty good week.

I am getting very upset about transportation though. My kids' flight has been delayed multiple times because of storms. We are active in our family chat as I compose, waiting for them finally to board the plane. I think so far they are more than three hours delayed, probably a lot more. We have suggested they contact the rental car company and investigate the threshold for compensation from the airline. I think they are there. 

Those poor babies are holding in so well, but this is way past their bedtime. They need to be stretched out, sleeping, not sitting in an airport. They were supposed to be landing right about now. Come on, Delta. Get your shit together.

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