Thursday, August 1, 2024


Inspirational song: Lights (Journey)

The heat and the smoke from all the fires is really draining all of us. I don't think anyone in northern Colorado feels good right now. If they think they do, they ought to do a gut check to be sure. A lot of acres have burned, a lot of structures are gone. At least one person has died, and a number of firefighters have been injured. It's a lot right now. We still have a week before the weather really breaks, and we see moderate temperatures and better chances for rain. 

Depending on whose calendar you use, August first is the beginning of autumn. It doesn't feel much like it, but as the wheel of the year goes, the nights are getting longer and harvest season is upon us. I chose to align myself with the calendars that offer me hope, so in that vein, I decided to celebrate Lughnasah, also called Lammas (Loafmas), in some corners of Britain. I baked bread, but we won't talk about how wildly out of shape the very soft gluten-free dough ended up. I needed to make space in the freezer, so I thawed a pork roast, and made a North Carolina style pulled pork. The family came over, and the grandkids ate next to none of it. Ah, well, the rest of us enjoyed it. 

Baking and running the stove and crockpot in an already warm house took it out of me. Time to see what photos I managed to take and head to bed. Happy "first day of autumn," even if it's just in theory for now.

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