Thursday, August 29, 2024


Inspirational song: Pressure (Billy Joel)

When the play callers on KOA said that North Dakota State was one of the toughest teams in the FBS, I knew this would be a stressful night. Oh, it was, it was. They were indeed tough, and in the opinions of the announcers, well coached. I don't know if our Buffs were tougher or better coached, or lucky beneficiaries of the altitude difference between the two schools. CU made it to the very end with more points, but even until time ran out, I wasn't sure that would be the case. I would like to see NDSU do well the rest of the season. They're a heck of a team. I want us to improve and put me through less stress.

Waiting for the game to start was tough. I tried to take it easy, and rest my sore back in case I had jumping around to do. Instead I pulled a few things away from the front window wall, and painted a small section with just a brush. I still don't know if I'm taking down the plant bar and brackets, so all I did was under the window. Getting off the floor is a challenge for me (probably will be forever with a janky hip), but I did it twice. Eating an elephant a couple small bites at a time.

I didn't get to cuddle babies today either. Val had a doctor's appointment in a building that had what her mom said was the best designed "floor is lava" waiting room. At the end of the evening, I got a barrage of baby pictures, some of which I stole.

And while I was trying to get a photo in my CU shirt for tonight, the team scored a touchdown in the split-second before my thumb connected with the button. It was a crazy-good catch by Travis Hunter, and the smile on my face is genuine relief.

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