Friday, August 16, 2024

There Wolf

Inspirational song: The Sound of Silence (Simon and Garfunkel)

We are still enjoying our grandparents' version of family leave, not yet needing to be all-day babysitters. But that doesn't mean we want to be away from the kids more than we have to be. For today's regular stock-up trip to Costco, of course we went and stole the two older kids. I don't know what we are going to do when Avery is big enough to go with us too. Probably switch to two carts, so we can still have all of them in sample-feeding range. That, or extract a blood oath from Valerie that she will pay attention and not wander off if she's allowed to walk instead of ride. 

Early on in our visit, we passed something I really, really wanted to beg for, even though we have no space to set them up. They had small arcade versions of Pac-Man, Ms Pac-Man, and Galaga. Regular Pac-Man was a stand-up unit, and the other two were combined in a head to head tabletop machine. Holy moly, the memories I have of hanging out at Polar Bears ice cream shop and game arcade, with my buddy Steve, burning through all the quarters in Ada over Ms Pac-Man. So, kids, want to revisit grandma's misspent youth?

Now that we are more than halfway through August, grandpa is complaining less about the Halloween displays being out already, and enjoying taking the kids to see them more. The big fun one at Costco this year was a werewolf, and oh, did they love it. I wish I could have caught a picture of Dmitri shaking its moving hand. I was being quiet while the Mr was taking a video, but I'm pretty sure he said something like, "Hi! Are you a werewolf?" He asked to go back to see it several times, and pronounced it reasonably well. So proud.

By the time we started driving, making our usual drop-offs to the community college food pantry and the wildlife rescue facility west of town, Dmitri started feeling his delayed naptime. I sent a photo of him as his eyes got glassy, and pointed out his thousand-yard stare. His dad cropped the picture, faded the color saturation, and added the caption, "Hello darkness, my old friend." It was perfect.

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