Monday, May 17, 2021

Birthday Girl

Inspirational song: One (A Chorus Line)

How weird is it that we have had the best year imaginable, tucked inside the worst year most of the world has seen in decades? For as hard as it was being part of the wider global community during a deadly pandemic, it has been nothing but rainbows and sparkles being a part of the very elite club of Valerie's family and friends. Our whole world is better now that this baby is in it, and celebrating her first birthday today feels like it should be a major holiday.

We started with brunch at the restaurant where we take our out of town guests to for breakfast (whenever possible). Baby had a great time playing at the table, trying all the foods. She destroyed a biscuit (and I mean smashed up and threw on the floor, not the more colloquial meaning of eating heartily), she enjoyed grits, and she freaked out when the cinnamon oil in spice tea hit her taste buds. She needed to take a swig off of her bottle after that last one.

After the restaurant, we split up so that I could grab supplies to make her cake and the kids could get set up at the house (and wash off all that glutinous residue off the baby so i could hold her again). When we reconvened later, it was present time. Her auntie had individually wrapped each of the cute clothes she bought, in case Val was really into tearing the paper. All of auntie's choices were well-received, with all of us admiring the bright colors and stylish cuts of the clothes. Grandma the Great presented a hand-made Italian sweater that baby will need to grow into. And there were puppets and big toys and other fun stuff for baby.

We made a small cake for her to eat on her own. She was more interested in the strawberries and whipped cream than in the actual cake, not that I blame her. 

Both out of town grandmas are heading home tomorrow. I know they enjoyed their visit, and it appears Val loved it too. A great time was had by all.

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