Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wake Me

Inspirational song: Time (Pink Floyd)

I can count on one hand how many times I had to set an alarm to wake me in the morning during the pandemic. I haven't had all that many places to go, and generally I can wake up unprompted at the right time to get where I need to be. I am a light sleeper, and I wake often through the night and early morning. I'm not afraid to look at my phone at dawn, although I may decide not to open emails or messages until after my coffee later on. I check my calendar when I think I might have obligations, which spurs me to rise if needed.

Usually. Not always.

Thus it was a close thing that I remembered to get up and go to Boulder this morning. I was sleepily scrolling through Twitter just before 7, trying to translate "cat speak." I follow a cat account for Cheddar, an orange and white cat whose human suffers from chronic migraine, which Cheddar calls "zombies." Some other cat account asked him how his mother's "bow toks" went, and I stared at that for several seconds trying to understand what they were asking. Suddenly I was more alert. Botox! I had to be in Boulder to get my Botox for migraine! Thank goodness I have a Twitter addiction. I made it in time.

Now that lots of us are getting fully vaccinated, we are getting out in the world more. I need to revive the habit of setting alarms and checking my calendar both in the morning and before bedtime. For the first time in a year, our sales meeting will be in person tomorrow. I need to get up early enough to wash and style my hair (I got my cancer curls, and I'm learning how to work them), and leave by 8 to get to Fort Collins on time. I set my alarm, because invariably I have trouble falling asleep the night before one of these meetings. It's harder to wake one sales meeting mornings than just about any other day. Might not be so bad this time, though. I'm pretty excited about seeing folks for the first time in a year.

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