Monday, November 14, 2022

First Exposure

Inspirational song: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Fred Astaire)

We have learned the proper way to introduce Valerie to new movies. You just play something in the background, and she kind of checks it out briefly, glancing over her shoulder when she feels like it. Then the next time she is offered a choice, she will ask for it like it's her favorite. I felt bad when she asked for Toy Story this afternoon, knowing she is just learning how much fun it is. But I had an agenda.

Valerie already knows about Christmas lights and some decorations. Best I can tell, that is all she knows about the whole holiday so far. She doesn't have any idea about the pageantry, customs, history, or more salient to a small child, the presents. I so want her to fully grok on the idea of Santa Claus. I want to see magic in her eyes. Today, my six-week long campaign kicked off. Today I dug through some of the old DVDs. We started with Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. She mostly colored with her back to the TV, but a few times she looked at it. "Hey, look, Valerie, Kris Kringle brought those kids toys." "Oh, he was stopped by the Winter Warlock. Is he scary?" She comes back tomorrow. Will she ask for it again, or allow me to introduce Rudolph next?

A couple clothing notes. As I was heading to the grocery store, I sent a selfie to my daughter, pulling a face over my new Kirkland sweatshirt. I'm not the best judge, but I thought it was cute enough to share. And then there is the boy. He had a short notice costume change after he had an accident in his unicorn onesie. I went digging for anything weather appropriate that would fit that big boy. Ended up with a lot of pink, but also a chance to put my favorite baby sweater on one of the kids. I bought it for Val, and I am not sure she had it on more than an hour. It looked super cute on Dmitri. What is even cuter is how much he is a little clone of his grandpa.

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