Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Inspirational song: Funeral for a Friend (Elton John)

Oof. We took pumpkin pie over next door for game night, and they supplied nachos. Somewhere in the mix, I appear to have encountered a forbidden particle. Maybe on the pie server. Maybe my plate. Whatever I ever so gently touched, it is making my stomach swell and hurt. Pity. The evening had been going so well until then. (This makes me want to check the recycling bin for the lid to the gluten-free pie shells I bought, to verify I got the right ones.)

I tried so hard to do big things to tidy up, after a week of sewing and letting the house go to hell. Instead I got focused on little spots that needing intense cleaning, like the stove top with hamburger grease splatter, or the bathtub with the dirty no-slip mat. There are only little hints of improvement, while the living room is broadly covered in fabric debris.

Game night was a smaller crowd than we expected. We had multiple late cancelations. But other than having a lot of extra pie, we managed to have a good time. We started with our usual warm-up puzzle game, and went to a complicated mission to figure out a murder based on cards that were like vague dream visions, that we managed to win despite ourselves. Then we played two rounds of Uno to wind down. Too bad the others missed out on it. The photos are from the murder mystery game. Our very pregnant neighbor held up her two vision cards, and said they looked like part of a whimsical painting series about knights having fun. Now I want to make this series for her nursery, to see whether she'd hang them.

The first measurable snow is expected tomorrow night. They scaled us back from the 1-3 inches they promised this morning, and now the Weather Channel app says less than an inch. I remain ever hopeful.

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