Sunday, November 6, 2022

Walked the Walk

Inspirational song: Party in the USA (Miley Cyrus)

Just now, before I retired from the living room to the bedroom, Saoirse was hurling herself against the sliding glass door. It was her subtle way of saying her pee break was over and she wanted back inside. As I lowered the recliner footrest, slowly raised my creaking body to standing, wobbled, and struggled to make stiff muscles take those first few steps to turn towards the back door, Mr S-P was watching a TikTok using the Mission Impossible theme (the full version). Gee, Universe, that felt just a little too on point.

The day after the big energy expenditure of going to a football game hurt worse than the immediate few hours following it. So I did the absolute dumbest thing I could have done for myself. I walked the neighborhood, hanging "Vote Now!" notes on the doors of folks on our party lists. We were supposed to have this GOTV phase completed by Saturday, but we were all too busy. My precinct co-captain texted early this morning to say she could do it, and I agreed to walk too. We split up the walking for the southern half of the precinct, plus a 1x3 block section that bumps up in the northern half. I walked a whole lot more than I actually had energy to cover, but it was for civic pride, so that kept me moving.

The kids weren't too taxing for the babysitting session today. This is good since I mostly sat for the few hours they were here. I provided a comfy lap and the leg power to make the rocking chair move, and first one and then the other had mellow time with grandma. When they left, I stayed in the same spot, most definitely not awake. And now the day has come to an end, at least I think. It got so dark, so early, and with the time change, for all I know it could just be late afternoon. Whenever it is, I've given up for the day, and am snuggling with my fuzzy friends.

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