Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sko Buffs

Inspirational song: Mr Brightside (The Killers)

An attempt was made. CU showed up on the field. I know. We saw them there, in person. But they were woefully outmatched by the Oregon football team, and the outcome was as bad as you can predict.

We had free tickets to the game for a military appreciation day. The seats were way the heck up near the top of the outdoor section, just below the fancy club building. We were most definitely not in club seats. Too bad, because there is an elevator to reach those. Instead I brought my cane for stability, and thank goodness I did. It was incredibly windy today, and heading out, I nearly got blown down the stairs. If I hadn't had the cane for a backstop, bad things would have happened.

We invited both neighbors, but only T had the day free, so I brought along one of my dear Rotary friends. She and I have gone to basketball games together, and once she let me and same neighbor use her Broncos tickets. This was our first CU football game together, though. We had a few hiccups on the way (Mr S-P couldn't find his free ticket, and went back to the car searching for it while we went in to watch the band). Eventually we all settled in to our treetop seats. When I asked for a selfie of the three of us seated first, I said I should post it with the caption "I've never been so high in Boulder before." 

We had very few expectations for the game. My friend really wanted CU to win, but we all looked at her and said no, they are playing Oregon, one of the top teams in the country. It will be a massacre. Once she saw the game, she understood that we were right. Oh, how right we were. It was so painful that I -- diehard CU fan and even more devoted Golden Buffalo Marching Band fan -- did not stay past the start of the 4th quarter. It was too windy and the sun was too strong. I had to go sit someplace shaded where I could rest my back. 

On the way back to the car, my friend heard from her kids who were meeting at a local Mexican restaurant that I had not been to before. I'd heard it was great. So we joined her family there. I'd met the one unmarried son before, but tonight I got to meet the other son and his whole crew. We had a fantastic time. Now I want to invite myself along any time they get together. As cool as my friend is, I should have known her progeny were awesome too.

Once we got home, we were tired, sunburned, windburned, full, and slightly tipsy from margaritas. It wasn't even 8 o'clock, and we had changed to jammies and were sitting quietly in the living room. I'm pretty sure the Mr has fallen asleep twice so far. Big fun on a Saturday night.

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