Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Play It

Inspirational song: The Sound of Silence (Simon and Garfunkel)

What I really wanted was company. I wanted my daughter and the kids to come over and just hang out, so I had someone to talk to, to inspire me to keep cleaning. Unfortunately for me, my daughter had housework of her own to do, so I had a choice. I could clean in a silent house, which most assuredly would lead to me sitting down with the iPad and completely losing track of time. Or I could turn on loud music, sing, and carry on both sides of the conversation with the cats. I chose the latter. A couple of times, L came back home to take care of stuff, and I felt busted, and turned down the racket. But once I was alone again, sound went up, and more work got done. It's not quite to the presentable-to-parents level it was at in September, but I'm starting to be able to breathe around here again.

Game night went weird this week. We had one guy out completely with flu. We had two others who made alternate plans (gasp!) The neighbors are getting too close to their due date to want to be exposed to all of us and our stray viruses (looking at you, Mr S-P, with your hacking and coughing). So we all stayed in our respective houses, and those who felt sociable connected on Jackbox. We convinced L to join in, which was awesome, but we have discovered a huge gap in their pop culture education, from growing up very sheltered. So now we have a whole lot of books and movies to share with them too. We will be getting our value out of all our streaming services over the next few months.

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