Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Undoing

Inspirational song: What'd I Miss? (Hamilton)

Not that I expected anyone to notice, but I took yesterday off to avoid another one of those "not much occurred" posts. I had to sleep most of the day to allow my immune system to successfully defend against the nasty virus that man brought into this house. (He had yet another coughing fit as I typed that.) He is still miserable, and has been since Thursday night. Me, I'm reasonably well-rested now, and trying to get one or two things back on track. Pretty sure I lucked out in this equation.

The other day, before a big cold front came through, I started tearing down the front porch container garden. I hauled bunches of pots and baskets to the side of the house, leaving just a few that still had live green plants in them. There were two hanging baskets I couldn't reach, and a few pots that can still go, but I got tired and stopped. It will be cold this week, but I will still go toss a lot of the debris in the city compost bin. Then I'll stack up the pots in the shed, and start thinking about Christmas decorations to come. Even if it takes a while to complete the tasks up front, I have it snow shovel ready, should Thursday's anticipated dusting turn out to be actual snowfall.

Since Athena had her inexpert shave at the vet, she has stayed glued to me at all times. I can't tell whether she is more comfortable, cold, or both. She purrs a lot more now. I was watching YouTube this evening, not paying close attention to what was happening, when I realized she was curled up in my lap, and I was gently scritching her belly. I froze and I felt the blood drain from my face. I carefully picked up my phone with my off-hand and took a picture. Only then did she notice what was happening, and after a twitch, she made a half-assed attempt to bite, or make me think she would. She will deny it happened, but I have proof!

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