Monday, March 6, 2023

So Over It

Inspirational song: I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues (Elton John)

Yes, yes. I went to the doctor today. Well, technically the nurse practitioner, but it was my primary care clinic, and that's who I like to see. As expected, I barely coughed or sniffed while I was with her, but she did believe me that I was feeling as bad as I said. I don't know what she heard in my lungs. I didn't even feel a rattle in there while she was listening. (I'm gonna blame the steam from the very hot shower I took right before going in for keeping me from sounding bad when I needed validation.) She said as long as it has been going on, and as bad as it has been, we can assume there is probably a bacterial component at this point, not just a virus. She prescribed Zithromax, and a cough syrup that ended up being a no-go. As I was walking out to my car, that's when I started coughing again. Of course. Performance anxiety, right?

I had to kill time to give the pharmacy a chance to receive my prescription and fill it, so I detoured through 5 Guys on the way there. Then I filled up my gas tank, and checked in at my local pharmacy. Both of my favorite people were on the phone when I got there, so a new person said she was just starting my order. I went out to the car to eat my burger (and managed not to get ANY on my shirt -- do you understand how messy lettuce wrap cheeseburgers are, and how big a deal this is?) and came back just as they finished. I got caught up with my top favorite person there, who commiserated with me about the whole mail order debacle with my regular meds. She informed me that the cough syrup prescribed is one they haven't carried for years, that insurance almost never covers. We decided sticking with my Kroger brand mucinex syrup is the way to go.

Since I've been home, I've done what I could to rest, and I'm starting to feel slightly better. But at the same time, my body is expelling every bit of mucus it has created since the dawn of time, so slightly better is only a small comfort. This really freaking sucks. But at least now that I have gone to a doctor, Mr S-P will stop having flashbacks to how Jim Henson died, and telling me how poorly received it would be if that happened to me. Don't worry. This Muppet is unhappy, but she isn't going anywhere.

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