Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Inspirational song: Under the Bridge (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

They are on the road. The big move-out is beginning. I guess I have to admit it's real now. This was my least favorite part about being a military family, watching the cool people move away. Here it is in retiree life, and I like it even less. They had better visit. And I want us to go there too.

Today was my quarterly visit to Boulder for Botox. It's a good thing, as I was starting to have breakthrough migraines, and I'm not super fond of those. While there, I stopped at the Home Depot just down the street from that hospital, and would you believe it, I did not buy any plants! I only got what I went there for, which was thin bamboo stakes for holding up plants. After Harvey booted my trellised plant yesterday morning, I recognized it needed a lighter weight system. So I repotted the raphidophora tetrasperma with two skinny bamboo poles that stick up like a rabbit ear antenna. The plant barely covers the bottom eight inches of it, but it goes up a solid three feet beyond that. With some love and good light, it theoretically could reach the top by the end of the growing season. Assuming Harvey stays the hell away from it. I also repotted a hoya memoria (formerly known as hoya gracilis) and a spider plant I inherited from a Rotarian. It was just about as pot-bound as the one I worked on last week. Poor thing.

I got to see my babies twice today. On the way home from my appointment, I dropped in with coffee so Val could show off her new "bike." I had never heard of a strider bike before she got one, and it's just as it sounds, a seat on two wheels with no pedals or gears. Teaches kids how to balance and steer a bike before turning them loose on one. Why didn't I know about these when my kids were little? They would have enjoyed it, right? We went back later in the evening to watch Knives Out (the original), since we couldn't access it on a streaming platform when we wanted to see it before Glass Onion. Both kids were really putting on a show for the grownups, being clever and cute as they are wont to do.

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