Sunday, March 26, 2023

Swimming In It

Inspirational song: Just What I Needed (The Cars)

We all knew when kids came along that more germs would be swirling around our habitats. But, man, we really thought the increase would wait until one or both of them at least went to preschool. So far all of 2023 has been about who is sick this week, of about 8 regular offenders. It ranges from mild tummyaches all the way up to covid. It doesn't even factor in the big problems that come with age (like a certain person who has the shoulder of a much older man, and who will need to get a new one put in one of these days). Yesterday both kids were little glazed donut monsters, getting mad when we would sneak up on them with kleenex to steal their boogers. Today my crampy tummy was back, bad enough that I stayed home from a trip to the aquarium to nap and say bad words. By the time the kids' daddy showed up to retrieve them, he looked like he had a bunch of germs vying for supremacy in his system. I wonder who will win.

I stayed up late wondering what I would write. I finally got tired enough and informed the Mr that I would just steal some of his aquarium pictures and call it a night. It's a night.

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