Monday, May 29, 2023


Inspirational song: Velvet Dreams (John Wesley)

Everything feels on the precipice of happening. It's an odd sensation. The business is down to the last tiny steps, and then it will be officially under way. Dmitri is taking steps too, in a literal sense, towards walking on his own. He held on to the loose fabric of my jeans, and took a few wobbly steps for each one I took backwards while watching and cheering him on. While we were playing this game, he picked up a toy, and was so distracted by it, he held it in both hands, forgetting he was using me as support. Twice he stood, transfixed by the toy cymbal in his hands, balancing on his own for at least two seconds.

Last week picking through the clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond, I bought 100% Tencel sheets. I waited until after babysitting was done to put them on the bed, since my room is where napping and TV watching happens. I still need to apply my nighttime lotion and finish blogging before I slide into them, but just touching them to put them on the bed made me so happy. I think the next advancement in improving my sleep routine is imminent. I expect them to be incredibly soft, smooth, and cooling, which is what I desperately need to allow me to stay asleep longer than a half hour at a time. If they live up to my expectations, I'll let you know. If I'm just as hot and unhappy tonight, I'll probably announce that too.

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