Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Ancestral Home

Inspirational song: Ada (Blake Shelton)

The kids wrapped up at my parents' house, and started a big long loop to head homeward. They drove down to Ada and saw our old house and showed Valerie around a little. I mean, I'm sure they showed Dmitri too, but I doubt he got as much out of it as she did. They proceeded to visit a friend of theirs in another town, before starting another overnight drive home. They say this will be easier on the kids, to just sleep while they travel. Man, I understand the idea, but I just can't imagine me being able to do that kind of drive anymore. This is an activity better left to youngsters.

It has rained non-stop here for 48 hours so far, and it's supposed to keep going well into tomorrow. How should we think of this? Is it good because we are getting such a soaking they will need to update the drought conditions map for the better, or do we need to worry that the rain will make the snowpack melt faster--and thus update the Snowtel map for the worse?  

We haven't purchased any veggie starts yet. We have some seeds we ought to put in the garden soon. Probably should have done that already, but you know what they say about Colorado and not planting before Mothers Day. Planting this week is going to be a soggy mess. 

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