Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Queen for a Day

Inspirational song: You're My Best Friend (Queen)

So much excitement packed into one day for that incredible Three Year Old human! (How is it already three years?) By seven this morning, Mr S-P was firing off texts asking when he could pick up Val to take her to the climbing gym. They finally got there around 9, and he sent several videos of her having a blast. He said her favorite trick was climbing up one or two levels, and then falling back on the mats to make clouds of climbing chalk billow up.

We all met at Le Peep for breakfast, and we carried in her presents. She got a play bow and arrow and five inch tall dolls of all the Disney princesses from her parents, and a few clothes and her very own watch from us. I was informed after I bought a watch that another one was on its way from my mom. So Val will have options, to match her outfits. Later in the day, we got video of her playing with her bow, and narrating what she was doing to her watch, as if it was a pet. Then they sent photos of her going through the drive-thru at McDonald's for nuggets, and falling asleep before they could get them out to her at the curb. She needed one of those rare naps. This is how we know she had fun.

I have been having fun too. I have the house to myself for several days. J is off with family on a vacation, and Mr S-P and Murray have gone away for a week to help a friend who recently bought a farm. So once I was by myself, I announced (to no one in particular), "Oh, it's on! Purge party!" I had a corner of the laundry room that had been so piled up with junk, waiting to be taken to the hard-to-recycle drop-off, or just not sorted through for years, that I could no longer access half of my pantry, on the side where I keep mops and leaves for my dining table. I determined today was the day I tear all of it out, sort boxes that have been buried for 7-8 years, and finally get an upstairs cat box. I stopped going down to clean the set of boxes in the basement when my right hip decided we were done with stairs forever. If I am to be here on my own for a week, I couldn't let the boxes just get nasty and untouched. So I transformed that space and made a run to Petsmart for supplies. It has been there four hours now, and there isn't a pawprint in it, but I did use a different litter. Maybe I need to scatter a little of the other brand on top, even if it is a dustier version. I hope they appreciate how hard I worked to remodel and provide them with a new bathroom, as it were.

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