Saturday, May 6, 2023

Treed Demon

Inspirational song: Criminal (Fiona Apple)

Ain't no part of me that isn't sore. I'm not sure I can move my thumbs enough to type. It all hurts, but it was so worth it. We got a ton of stuff done today, and we have lined up work for ourselves for the next several days. 

While I picked up the kids, Mr S-P dropped his car off at the Costco tire center. He hadn't had time to get his snow tires swapped off until now. We joined him there, and wandered the store for the third day in a row. Bought a small handful of things (you don't shop at a food store and not buy some sort of fruit to offer grandchildren as a snackrifice). Then we went to Lowe's while we waited for the tires to be done. Mr S-P had seen some espaliered fruit trees somewhere (I think up at CU), and decided he wanted to try it. We don't have much tree space left on this property, so an espalier is probably the only way we were going to fit more in. He is hedging his bets, and he bought three different apple trees. Not sure how he will manage to place them all, but they weren't super expensive, so I really can't argue against this experiment. He also slipped in one more cherry tree, as if we needed another. But these are black cherries, and dammit, okay, fine. Let's do it.

I looked again for the elusive Supertunia Vista Jazzberry, both at Lowe's and earlier this morning when I went up to Walmart for face wash that I saw once at Costco and never again. Neither place had the flowers. We brought the car home after the tires were done, and after dropping off the kids who were ready for naps, I went back out to the Flower Bin. Still no Jazzberry. I wasn't leaving without something Proven Winners, so I got some other Supertunias that weren't the Vista variety, and some other flowers to make a red, white, and blue container. I'm pretty sure I broke the thriller-filler-spiller rule, and got Oops All Spillers. Don't care this time. They're pretty and the pot is already assembled. 

We kept moving once we were home. We pulled weeds, further pruned dead rose canes, lugged pots around, and did a little yard cleanup for both houses. I'm not sure how I managed to make my muscles contract for all that. I was so out of energy. By dark, I had managed to make a simple dinner, and by some miracle, I remembered that my daughter had given us those percussion hammer massagers. I've run it on every piece of me that I could reach while sitting in a recliner. I'm still tired, but I think the soreness is much less of a problem now.

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