Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Bundled Up

Inspirational song: Cold Day in July (The Chicks)

There were so many things around here left undone while I was too busy going to the mountains, babysitting, or walking around Pride until my legs fell off. I had to work all day to catch up, no matter how sore I felt or how big the jobs were. Prioritizing wasn't easy, but I think the important stuff got done. I stayed home from our old friend's annual 4th bash, and had intended on skipping fireworks too. A last-minute change in plans got me out to see most of the city display, with Mr S-P and our housemate J.

I was a little surprised that they didn't cancel the show tonight. It rained really hard off and on all afternoon, and took the temperatures down more than 30 degrees off yesterday's high. When we parked about a block from our foster daughter's house, there were lots of people out on the grass and sidewalks, some with camp chairs, some standing. Nearly everyone had some kind of warm clothing on, from sturdy coats to the classic Colorado uniform of shorts and sweatshirt. We stayed in the car, and had a pretty clear view of the fireworks. About ten minutes into the show, J said they couldn't remember ever watching fireworks with everybody all bundled up. I said that I was thinking that exact thing. It was weird to see, and I was so glad we stayed in the car where it was a little warmer (windows were open, so not that warm.)

While I stayed home making a cheesecake and building my character for tomorrow, Mr S-P went over to walk around the neighborhood with the kids. They rode in their wagon, with coats and umbrellas handy, watching neighbors set off fountains and other assorted legal fireworks. I wish I'd had the leeway to see them in person, but the pictures of their faces were something to behold. It was enough thrill for me.

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