Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sliding Towards a Purge

Inspirational song: Don't Stop Me Now (Queen)

There should be a whole lot more in my donation bin by now. That's how I had planned to spend my evening, clearing clutter and throwing a whole bunch of stuff in the trash. I got only a little bit of it done. Mostly I wandered in circles, too hot to focus on anything. I think the only new items from today in the bin are glass candle holders that are just not my style. I was moving too slowly to make any real progress on cleaning up for game night tomorrow either. A few dishes, a load of laundry, and a light vacuuming. It's going to feel like a burden when I have a deadline to meet tomorrow.

I get so excited when days like this come. Both of the other adults who live in this house are elsewhere overnight. The man went to his cabin, and J went to their favorite camping spot in Wyoming. I was giddy at the prospect of having a big trash purge while no one was around to stop me. Turns out there was one overriding force, the actual force of nature. It was so hot I didn't feel like carrying a damn thing to the trash can in the alley. I'll need to get up early and remedy that before the heat comes in the morning.

The other kind of purge happens tomorrow. I can only consume clear liquids, and I have to drink yucky concoctions all day. I will say this now, as it is my life's goal to stop anyone anywhere from ever consuming Suprep before a colonoscopy: Don't take that nasty stuff they prescribe. It's horrible. If mixing Miralax and Gatorade was good enough for my surgeon to take out a foot and a half of my large intestine, it's good enough for a scope to make sure everything is still in working order. When they come calling for you, and eventually they always do, say no to Suprep. It is not worth it. Trust me.

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