Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Front

Inspirational song: Digging In the Dirt (Peter Gabriel)

The mid-week forecast had been for a lot of rain, down here in the flats and up on our mountain. The Mr decided (and I strongly agreed) that he would delay his next multi-day trip to build until after babysitting duties were done for the weekend. I'm so glad the weather was on my side for once. By virtue of him staying close to home for a few days, he got bored and restless, and went out into the front yard and actually worked on the projects he started years ago and has only half played at ever since. He laid down another section of mulch, bought more pavers so the path more closely matches my short stride, concreted in the plant hanger that kept tipping over in the rain, and put up the metal panels that will be a grape arbor archway over the path to the back gate. We are still miles from done, but it looks different enough to make me relax about it for the first time in months.

It was just mild enough weather today that I went out and tried to do some weeding and deadheading. I didn't cover much ground, but what I did do was fairly thorough. I made room for planting a ground cover creeping Veronica in the paisley garden bed, and I suggested the lemon coral sedum go in the new shade mound. Over the last few weeks, the shade garden has added more hostas, a heuchera, a brunnera, and a fern, and now these sedum. I still want to cover the bare ground that's left with mulch, but apparently I have to wait until the irrigation is complete and the rest of the rocks go in. What year do we guess that will be?

The kids ended the day outside with us, watching their grandpa plant where I pointed to, and digging in the mulch and dirt. They seemed to enjoy it, even as rain started to sprinkle down on us. We are doing our best to raise a couple of lifelong gardeners. It's our gift to future generations on this planet. 

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