Tuesday, July 18, 2023

You Say It's Your...

Inspirational song: One (U2)

What a day to be born. There were three bits of our family celebrating today. Our daughter's high school boyfriend's birthday is today. (We're all still friends with him.) My darling puppy Saoirse turned three today. And, hm, let me think... who else... Dmitri, of course! The boy is one whole year old! It amazes me to think of how fast this last year has gone, but what a wonderful year it was when I think about those kids.

The boy had vaccinations yesterday, and something really didn't agree with him. He's been grumpy and extra sleepy since he got them. We went over to see the kids this morning, to have coffee and snuggle the birthday boy. He didn't have a whole lot of energy to be charming as he usually is. I didn't stay long, since it was a Rotary day. They all went out for a pancake breakfast when I went to my meeting. I rejoined the group this evening, once his mommy and sister made birthday cupcakes. (Yes, Valerie really participated in the baking and decorating. I have photos to prove what a good job she did.) Poor baby tried to be sweet and eat his cupcakes, but it was a challenge for him. 

I don't want to downplay the birthday girl, who is pacing around me right now. Saoirse has been giving me earnest looks deep into my eyes all day. She knows it's her day too. I have tried to give her extra cuddles and treats as well. I put orange sprinkles on her dinner (shredded cheddar) and gave her one of the big jerky-wrapped chewies that are her favorite. We sat on the couch together, and took a selfie to post on Threads. The only thing I didn't do, because I didn't have the free time, was take her out for a drive around town. Maybe we can do that Thursday when it's cool and rainy.

Lots of love to all my birthday kids, in my genetic line, in my chosen family, and my special helper of a different species.

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