Thursday, July 13, 2023

Earthenwork Defenses

Inspirational song: Fortress Around Your Heart (Sting)

I've just about had enough. I had too much to do next door this spring to do much on my own pretty porch area. Instead of a sweet entryway, it was more an overgrown patch of ugly. Today I threw caution to the wind (what wind? it was hot and still out there) and started dragging in the mountains of junk that a certain co-owner of this property had abandoned on the front stoop. I didn't say a whole lot. I just kept clomping into the house and noisily dropping things like axes (two??), plastic tubs, boxes of beer stuff from next door, and I deposited it all by the door leading to the garage. Once he finally got up and helped address things like the dirt pile from the newly concreted shepherds hook, I told him I had gotten tired of his battlements of filth and wanted to make a clear path for the children and the mailman to reach our door.

There's still a lot to do out there, but I can at least stand it. There were a few plants left in nursery pots from our last gasp of purchasing maybe three weeks ago. Two calibrachoa and a geranium had been sitting in one of those reusable grocery bags, and I had been watering them in place. I planted them altogether in a pot, rather than splitting them up as planned. I did a little sweeping and a lot of watering. I will deadhead the flowers once it cools off this weekend. My spring flowers have given up the ghost. The heat was too much for nemesia and allysum, which is a pity. All the petunias that aren't Proven Winners brand are struggling too. Those Supertunias are chugging away, though. I am a convert. I will spread the good news about Supertunias. And those Jazzberry that I hunted for lo these many months? Gorgeous. Drop dead perfect.

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